What better way to start the New Year (and a new decade!) than with a fresh outlook on life? Although New Year’s resolutions are fiercely popular, that tend to lose their bite by 1st February. The truth is, many resolutions are simply unrealistic, poorly planned and unsustainable!

We’ve put together a list of 5 resolutions that will go a long way in 2020 to help make your home, life and family healthier and happier.

Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020!

  1. Shop British
    Here in Britain we have a rich farming heritage, producing a plenty of fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy products. We can also be proud of our artisanal producers, including delicious cheese makers! So, why shop British in 2020? Well, not only is it incredibly good for our local economy and community in Suffolk, it also is very convenient, isn’t any more expensive and guarantees delicious, fresh produce!
  2. Cook one new thing each week
    Although many New Year’s resolutions may be surrounding food and weight loss, eating healthier in 2020 doesn’t have to be boring! After all, variety is the spice of life. By exploring new vegetables, herbs and recipes, you’re bound to enjoy stepping back into the kitchen again.
  1. Become a plant parent
    Indoor plants remove air pollution and allergens from your home, and even boost your productivity! Our ferny friends have a lot to offer to our homes, offices and work spaces, as well as their natural beauty they’ll also ease tension and lower stress. A fantastic reason to become an avid plant owner in the New Year!

Did you know… 12th January is the day most people ditch their New Year’s resolutions, and by the second week of February 80% of us have. In fact, on 9% of resolutions are kept!

  1. Eat veggies regularly
    Whether you want to slim down or are simply embracing a healthier lifestyle, vegetables are your friends. Naturally low in fat and calories, vegetables are not only delicious but they are also important sources of many nutrients, including potassium, dietary fibre and folic acid.
  2. Stay hydrated
    Drinking plenty of water can make you feel your absolute best. Not only does it promote healthy weight management, but it’ll also flush out harmful toxins and keep those headaches in check! In fact, last year we gave a bunch of reasons why you should aim to drink more water daily.

Find British produce, including cheese, dairy and vegetables in the Foulgers Dairy shop. If you’d like to find out more about local delivery in your area, or discuss placing an order with Foulgers Dairy, please call our friendly team on 01473 784999. 

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